Sunday, 26 October 2008

Progress at last

Last weekend Jamie helped me finish taking off the turf and i started to dig it over using my shiny new auto-spade which was fab. We got loads done, Rose was getting pretty bored so i decided to take her home after lunch, and Jamie finished the turfing.

On the Sunday we went over there and finished digging it over, weeding as we went along, and then i finished the digging completely on the Monday. I have been waiting all week for my Dad to drop off the wood for my raised beds as the wood was too big to fit in our car. We got it Friday evening and started to put some beds together yesterday. We only completed one bed sadly and I still have to sieve the soil as there are loads of couch grass roots still in the beds, because hubby didn't realise you had to take them all out - he's not that into gardening and is really only there to be my muscle :)

We were going to finish the beds today but it is pouring with rain so have had to skip today :( I just want it all finished and in place.

I decided not rotovate my plot because of all the roots we kept finding. I am going to sieve lightly get all the weeds out then just cover in compost and cover over with weed suppressant until January/February. I feel that next year is going to be a very good gardening year.

What my plot looked like after last weekend

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